Monday, April 26, 2021
Thursday, April 16, 2020
unfurling parachutes
I'm really enjoying watching our carnivorous plant collection mature this spring. Edgar invested several months ago in a variety of rhizomes and it's fascinating seeing the different flower buds unfurl to attract pollinators, before their meat-eating-pitchers emerge and do the rest.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Tuesday, April 07, 2020
Monday, April 06, 2020
spring continues
I can't say I've been particularly motivated to write or draw (or be creative in any capacity) as of late.
Something about a pandemic soaks those juices right up.
But I do know, at some point, when we're on the other side of this thing, I will appreciate having a record of life under quarantine in the year 2020. So here goes, a new chapter.
Something about a pandemic soaks those juices right up.
But I do know, at some point, when we're on the other side of this thing, I will appreciate having a record of life under quarantine in the year 2020. So here goes, a new chapter.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
i'm not one to brag, but...
I bought this mug for myself a while back---for those days when I need a little affirmation. I highly recommend it.
Tuesday, March 07, 2017
little shootings of white and green
This week has been dad passed away a year ago this past Sunday and today is his birthday. Grief is hard--a muddy water I've spent the past 12 months trying to learn to navigate. I've found the best thing I can do is focus on what's good and pay extra attention to all signs of spring, and the newness that comes with it. I especially love the flowering Bradford pears that dot Greensboro's landscape. There is such promise in these little shootings of white and green. Spring is coming!
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
grow where you're planted
Oh my, so much has happened in the last few months that I've yet to share here. On January 2, we officially moved our design studio out of the cul-de-sac :) and into a new space, complete with a retail shop, The Tiny Greenhouse. We're starting small and learning daily, but it is truly a dream come true. If you're in the area, we invite you to come see us! Our Winter Hours are M-F 10-5:30 and Saturday 10-2.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
To forget past mistakes and press on to greater achievements.
To put first things first.
To make my work a joy.
To allow nothing to disturb my peace of mind.
To never lose self-control.
To spend so much time improving myself that I have no time for criticism of others.
To think the best, work for it and expect it.
To be a friend to man.
To stand for the right.
To be true.
To be kind.
To take every disappointment as a simulate.
To live on the sunny side of every cloud.
To smile.
To look ahead.
To keep moving.
LeRoy Brownlow, Today is Mine
Monday, October 31, 2016
My friend, Megan, has a concierge and organizing service called Shiny Red Shoes. I love the name so, so much! These, however, are my own Not-So-Shiny-Red-Shoes. I happen to like them too.
Friday, September 09, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
My 'word' (if you will) for 2016...some days I do better at embodying it than others...but as a whole, I think it is something we can never do enough, especially in this crazy time in which we live.
Friday, May 27, 2016
treasure every single day
The last few months have been, well, for lack of a better word, difficult. I lost my dad to a painfully-short battle with cancer in March and have been in recovery mode ever since.
Recovery mode isn't the same as creative mode...but slowly, I'm coming around...doing my best to recognize and appreciate the beauty in every day. Having two little boys with birthdays around the corner helps---they are such positive sources of energy in my life and I really don't know what I'd do with out their constant doses of enthusiasm.
Both Max and Miles love to search for treasure, so that is the theme for their 5th birthday. Here's a little sampling of the pieces we've created for their party.
Recovery mode isn't the same as creative mode...but slowly, I'm coming around...doing my best to recognize and appreciate the beauty in every day. Having two little boys with birthdays around the corner helps---they are such positive sources of energy in my life and I really don't know what I'd do with out their constant doses of enthusiasm.
Both Max and Miles love to search for treasure, so that is the theme for their 5th birthday. Here's a little sampling of the pieces we've created for their party.
Tuesday, February 09, 2016
Friday, February 05, 2016
the chihuahuas
Thursday, February 04, 2016
Playing around some with a self-portrait I drew one morning earlier in the week.
I really don't see myself at all in the above, frighten-faced original. But, turned upside down, the eyes and jaw line look just about right. So weird!
Wednesday, February 03, 2016
let your hands breathe
Looking over some changes we need to make to our website and ran across this old favorite. This is how I feel in front of the computer lately...all clumsy. One side-effect of moving away from technology is that you don't want to go back. The more I work with my hands out in the fresh air the less time I want to be at a keyboard.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
cheer up charlie
Watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory over the weekend with the boys. There is something about Charlie (besides his love of chocolate) that I really identify with. Hearing him tell his mom this made me think how sweet life would be if the person with the most heart always came out a winner.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
cardinal directions

I'm sure you've probably come across the adage, "A cardinal is a representative of a loved one who has passed. When you see one, it means they are visiting you. They usually show up when you most need them or miss them. They also make an appearance during times of celebration as well as despair to let you know they will always be with you. Look for them, they'll appear. [Unknown]"
I wholeheartedly believe this and it's the very reason why we've added several cardinals to our card collection this year. Many thanks to my grandparents and others who have passed, and still continue to guide us.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
love thy neighbor
I've been meditating on this message from Pope Francis the last few months. Given this week's terrorist attacks and the resulting fear of allowing Syrian refugees to enter the United States, it's taken on even more meaning. My heart is heavy for the innocent who need our help.
Wednesday, November 04, 2015
squeak, squeak!
Speaking of Halloween, I get so excited each October as I dream up ways to turn ordinary clothes into sweet costumes that require very little sewing know-how; the sketches that come from these explorations are some of my favorites. Case in point, this little sweatsuit mouse.
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
a little sugar couldn't hurt
We've been in full-on-holiday-production-mode since August---and while I've spent quite a bit of time in my sketchbook, I haven't made time to sit in front of my computer and actually scan these drawings in. Hope to remedy that over the next few days...God willing.
This is a very tiny portion of the loot the #twinterns gathered this Halloween. Each of us has laid claim to our favorite candies: Miles, Nerds; Max, Skittles; Papi, Snickers; Mama, Reese's Cups. Lucky for me I live in a household where no one else has an affinity for peanut butter.
This is a very tiny portion of the loot the #twinterns gathered this Halloween. Each of us has laid claim to our favorite candies: Miles, Nerds; Max, Skittles; Papi, Snickers; Mama, Reese's Cups. Lucky for me I live in a household where no one else has an affinity for peanut butter.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
holiday craft fairs in north carolina and beyond!
The last few days I've been on a search for Southeastern Holiday Craft Fairs and Pop-Up Shops within driving distance of North Carolina. It isn't easy, as there is no one database for indie fairs and, as we have learned from experience, not all shows were created equal. (Displaying prints outdoors in freezing, windy weather---not so good.) However, I have been able to pin down a few and thought I would share it here in the hopes it might save others some time looking. If you know of a quality juried show this coming November and December within this general region, please let me know and I'll add it to the list!
November 12 - December 23 : Holiday Pop-Up Shop : Atlanta : Applications are Closed :via
the Indie Craft Experience : Apply by Sept 5 : $5 application fee : inventory
due by Oct 10 : 50/50 split :
November 12 - December 23 : Holiday Pop-Up Shop : Atlanta : Applications are Closed :
November 14, 10-5 : The Handmade Market : Raleigh : Apply
by Sept 19 : $15 application fee : $100 for 6' x 2.5' table :
November 21, 11-6 : Retropolitan Craft Fair : Knoxville : Applications are Closed : Apply by
September 4 : $20 application fee : $100 for 8' x 6' booth :
November 21-22, 11-6 : Holiday Indie Craft Experience :
Atlanta : Applications are Closed : Apply by Aug 29 : $250 up front : 6' x 5' space, must
provide own tables + chairs :
December 4 (6-9) + December 5 (10-5) : Porter Flea Holiday Market : Nashville : Apply by October 19 : $20 application fee : $205 for standard booth 8'x8', must provide own table + chairs :
December 5 : Richmond Craft Mafia Handmade Holiday : Richmond : Apply by October 4 : $15 application fee : $85 for 6'x5' indoor space with table and chairs :
December 5 + 6 : Indie South Fair : Athens, GA : Apply
by Sept 21 : $165 application/booth fee up front: 10' x 10' booth : outdoors :
December 6 : The Big Crafty : Asheville : Apply
by Sept 30 : $10 application fee : $130 for 8' x 4.5' space with table :
December 12, 10-5 : Charm City Craft Maria Holiday Heap : Baltimore
: Apply by Sept 28 : $10 application fee : $100 for 8' x 4' space with NO table
December 13, 12-6 : Crafty Feast : Columbia, SC : Applications are Closed
December 13, 12-6 : Crafty Feast : Columbia, SC : Applications are Closed
TBA : Vintage Charlotte Holiday Market : Charlotte :
TBA : Lowcountry Artists Mkt : Charleston :
Monday, August 17, 2015
sweetness in a sundress
A quick capture of the sweetest little girl from one of our many visits to library story-hours this summer.
Friday, August 07, 2015
green pepper geraniums
Thursday, July 23, 2015
'details' with claire and mark
So thankful for good friends with big dreams.
Monday, June 15, 2015
relaxing on south shore
A few sketches from week-before-last vacationing at Holden Beach. Didn't get to spend a ton of time working in my sketchbook, but what little I did was great!
a few more squares
...from my self-initiated challenge to complete Chronicle Book's 642 Things to Draw in a square format I can easily share on Instagram. It's been so much fun. I encourage anyone interested in drawing more to give it a try!
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
ladybug's octopus
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