Friday, November 24, 2006

EDM Challenge: An Ear

My name is...

This ear makes me think about Vincent Van Gogh, which in turn makes me think about an exchange student I've worked with at school whose name is Vincent. Actually, his name was something completely different, but for the sake of us Americans who have a difficult time trying to pronouce anything that isn't instantly recognizable as English, he chooses to go by Vincent. This got me thinking, what name would I choose for myself if I had the opportunity to pick another? I'm still thinking... How about you?


hfm said...

Love the ear but particularly I love your words. I've never tought on another name - too late to do it ;)

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Oooh good question. When I was a kid I always wanted to have the surname Fitzpatrick or Fitzgerald. I have no idea why. But now I would never have any other surname as I love Joseph the best. I would change my first name though but I do not know what to. I will have to think about that. Now Buchanan - that sounds like a Scottish name to me??

suzanne cabrera said...

You've got it Andrea...we've got our own family plaid and all! I agree, I love your name. I think it is lovely having a last name that can double as a first name. Hmm...Suzanne Joseph.... Anyway, you can't go wrong with Fitzgerald...automatic Great Gatsby connection.

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

France, WHY on earth were you called Margaret Thatcher???
I know what would be the name I would choose - Cat. Yes, that's it.
But what about you Suzanne what would you choose? Have you come up with a name yet??

suzanne cabrera said...

France- I'm with Andrea, why were you Margaret Thatcher???
Andrea or should I say Cat Fitzgerald: I like the sound of that!
Oh, and for me: I met a little boy tonight named Brady...I'd kinda like that for myself. I've always liked boys names for girls. Although one of my favorite names has always been Jane...can get much girlier than that.

Ujwala Prabhu said...

ooh you seem to think like i do - jumping from one thing to another which is why i love surfing and links. People around me are usually bewildered as I start with say taking your example ears and then jump to asking them the name they would choose for themselves given a choice. for me the jumps are logical :D and usually not verbalised.

the ear has been drawn very well but i was drawn to the content of the post :P

suzanne cabrera said...

Ujwala- I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way! Thank you for visiting!

m allison r said...

Suzanne, this is way late after your post, but I was surfing inyour archives...Yishai always tells people that his name is Eli because if he says Yishai to an American they have a blank look as a response. Most Israeli's do that, have another name they give Americans...One day when I am in Israel, maybe I will have to give an Israeli name because they can't pronouce Allison. Funny to think about...