Thursday, May 31, 2007

EDm Challenge: My Home's Entryway

I planted flowers yesterday morning. Later, in the afternoon, I locked myself out of the house. Thankfully though, I locked myself out WITH my sketchbook so I could document both the event and one of my newly flowered containers.


José Louro said...

Lucky you and us for the forget of the keys. Simple and charming this drawings.

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Aaah these two are just brilliant the colours are gorgeous. I just love your style full stop.

Linda said...

Oh dear! So glad you had your sketchbook with you! I learned long ago to either unlock the deck door or take my keys out into the garage whenever I'm outside doing yard work. (In other words, you're NOT the first person who has done this!)

Anonymous said...

Way to turn a negative (getting locked out) into a positive! We're all the better for your mishap. ; )

mrana said...

I'm so glad you sketchbook decided to keep you company, these are brilliant!

Anonymous said...

The door is truly striking. The little bit of white you added makes it look so 3D.

Africantapestry and Myfrenchkitchen said...

I love this, but then there is nothing that I don't love!!
you just do it all beautifully...the flower box - just gorgeous!

Alison said...

Yes, lucky indeed - two lovely sketches