Wednesday, July 18, 2007

confessions of a postman

The other day I overheard a man working at the post office telling a customer he had 3 years, 6 months, 23 days and 2 hours left until he is able to retire. I could tell by the way he was speaking that he was wishing that he only had those 2 hours left. This got me thinking about how miserable it would be to have a job you didn't like, or even worse, one you hated. Oh, the thought alone is so depressing. Here's hoping that this post finds you doing something you love.


andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

...unfortunately not!! I moan about my job constantly and clock watch all day long. We British do LOVE to moan though. So I guess I get enjoymnet from that! He he.

Great drawing as alwyas.

addon said...

I used to work delivering post/mail at Christmas time while I was at University, they take on additional staff then. One good trick I found was, if I could not find an address to deliver to, I would post the letter or Christmas card! Evil! But hopefully when it came out of the system again, my few days of employment would be finished and I would be gone.

More embarrassingly, it was sort of a custom to give the postman a coupla shillings or so at Christmas time. I did not think I deserved that as I was only a temporary guy. And the worst was when I was delivering in a poor area, one young lady with some kids that I could hear but not see proffered 2 shillings for me. Now my parents were not rich but they (and so I) had more money than she ... what to do? I took it, as I thought to refuse it would be saying "you are poor and cannot afford it" which would hurt her ... I wonder to this day what was the thing to do ...

Anonymous said...

There are few things in life quite satisfying as a job that you don't mind getting out of bed for -- especially when you're a night owl like me. Amazing things happen when you trust in your dreams. : )

brian nelson said...

My job, selling cars is a job that has insufferably long stretches of intense boredom! Literally hours with nothing to do. That makes for some very looooong days! To make it worse you are to look busy even though you are not being paid. Looking busy is something that I cannot figure out what they mean or want. So, when i do somehting to look busy by doing a watercolor on the back of my business card or write in my journal, then I get in trouble! You also get in trouble if you are caught talking to a coworker! You must be plotting if you are talking! Makes for some way long days! I am in the process of trying to find something that will be more challenging and FUN! Wish me luck!

suzanne cabrera said...

Andrea- I guess this is when it is important to have outside passions like you do. I feel confident that your drawings will pay off and perhaps, soon enough, you won't have to be showing up for a job you don't love.

Addon- What a story! You were really in a predicament, but I think you did the only think you could do.

Julie- Cheers to that!

Brian- From experience I know there is nothing more straining than trying to "look busy." No two ways about it, it just sucks. Gosh, and what really stinks is that you've gotten in trouble for doing something you enjoy at work. I don't think a little painting and journaling has ever hurt anyone.

Anonymous said...

In the town that I live in, the postal workers have all typically been at their jobs for a long, long time (e.g., everybody in town knows them because they've ALWAYS been behind the counter). For as long as I can remember, there has been this really crabby man... I'd say he's probably in his late 50's, and he treats anyone who gets into his line like they are so incredibly insufferable that he's barely able to contain his disgust. It's amazing, really. And every time I am in line, I find myself praying, "Please, don't let me have to go to his station. Please God, don't."

The last time I was in he was especially cranky -- and when I left, I kept thinking to myself how sad it was that he was so miserable that he felt the only way to get through a day was to make everyone else miserable as well. I wonder what would happen if I did something really, really nice the next time I go in? Like bake him cookies or something... I don't know if I will have the nerve to do it, but I just get the impression that he's a guy who could probably use a cookie.

suzanne cabrera said...

Lynne- Is it possible we were separated at birth? Your thought process is exactly the same as mine...exactly!

I dare you, try the cookie technique!

Anonymous said...

Thoughtful post, Suzanne. As trite as it may be, I've gotta say it: It's up to us to either change our job or change our attitude. I remember a five-year teaching job I had that for the first three years I was quite miserable at. during that third summer I told myself that if I was going back in the fall that I'd be upbeat, enjoy the kids, etc. I was surprised at how taking that approach made such a difference when I returned. Since Mr. Postman is going to stay another 2 1/2 years, I hope he can find some better purpose for being there than just passing time, for his sake, ya know? Off my soapbox now... : D

Anonymous said...

Lynn: Just your luck the guy'd be a diabetic. Cool idea, though. I'd like to see you go for it.

Africantapestry and Myfrenchkitchen said...

Yeah, I think life is far too complicated and far too short, not to be doing what you love!

Charles Crookes said...

Postman on the every month come to my door step for the books delivery from the uncle house as my uncle is author and write some religious books. He is known me and my house address too for bestessy the assignments were also he was delivered to the teachers.

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aliksaia said...

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