Saturday, October 13, 2007

a mouse by any other name would smell sweet

I've not been feeling like myself for sometime now. First it was allergies. If it doesn't rain soon, I may just die. Stay tuned for that. Then it's been THE WORST COLD EVER...ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit....but truly, its been bad.

Let me tell just how bad...

Friday night, Edgar went out and came back with a rose. Now, this alone is unusual....Edgar isn't exactly the type of guy to give flowers, but, that's another story. When he gave me the flower, rather than recognizing the rose as a rose, my heavily sedated, hallucinating, fevered self thought he had given me a rubber mouse on a stick! Yes, you read correctly, a rubber mouse on a stick.Sure the room was dark and yes, I do have rubber mice on my mind anyway (more details are coming...I promise), but really, is this normal or a sign of THE WORST COLD EVER?


Teri said...

HIlarioius!! What a hoot!

Hope you are feeling better soon but enjoyed your 'rose mouse'. Maybe there are more funny things you could see.

Kevin said...

... something nefarious is going on with that rubber mouse if your hallucinating receiving them.. although I think a cat would appreciate at mouse on a stick more than a rose (just a thought).. Also, I may be responsible for your cold, I am just coming off the one I caught from the music majors...

Alyssa Thomas said...

Hah! Well I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor thing! We finally got a good, hard frost here, so all of the Midwestern allergy sufferers are breathing a little easier -- perhaps that weather pattern is on its way to you? Hope so. In the meantime, lots of hot tea, soft tissues, and chicken soup... and know that get well wishes are being send from the entire human and canine clan here in Illinois!

juj said...

What a crackup! Thanks for the giggle Suzanne - great sketch too.

Unknown said...

So simple and expreessive, un encanto!

Anita Davies said...

Ooooh, I have had THE worse virus ever...Nothing like a little self sympathy eh?

Anonymous said...

How amusing! I'd have loved to have seen the look on Edgar's face when you told him that. Heh!

Hope you feel better soon. : )

sandy said...

You poor thing!!! I would have shrieked and punched his lights out for giving me that!!

What a funny story. Good sketch too.


andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

hehehehee! now that is funny! sorry to laugh at your fever...but a mouse on a stick is just very funny.

Joan Y said...

Cracked me up so much I had to run out of the room to tell my friend your story. LOL. Great drawing too. Hehe.

Jana Bouc said...

Poor baby...I hope you're feeling better. My hearing isn't great and I'm always having a similar experience only with words. Someone will say something and because I don't hear consonants well I often completely misinterpret what was said, often hilariously. I've learned to stop and think...could they really have said THAT!? and then sort out that no, they didn't say "a mouse on a stick"...