My good friend Megan is getting married in a few weeks. I just got my bridesmaid dress which is, well, a little snug in some areas and a little loose in others. It seems I have two options: 1) Get the dress altered or 2) Cut back on the snacks and get breast implants. I think I'll go with option number 1...at least for the time being :)
That is indeed a funny coincidence in post-timing. I really like your strong lines here too. I'd like to blame my scratchy scribbles all on the new tablet, but I'm afraid the reality is that I'm still gaining confidence in my drawing...
I like how you handled the transparency of the bag on this. I also like the dress, though I feel for you in the fit department. Bridesmaid dresses are almost as bad as bathing suits, when it comes to making us feel suddenly way less perfect than we oughta feel.
is this a megan that I know?? because the only one i can think of is megan tremblay, and i didn't even know she was in a serious relationship, let alone engaged, let alone getting married.
when katie got married we bought the dresses almost a year in advance- THAT was a leap of faith!
or stuff the snack packages in your bra....
Great sketch, and the dress looks pretty great too. But I don't see a big bustle or lacy bow - what is becoming of the world when brides pick out dresses their party will actually wear? lol
Yep Kelley- It's the Megan you know!
I, too, like the way you handled the transparency. Very pretty dress! I vote for the boob job, but that could just be me projecting my own wants - I always heard nursing increased one's size, but mine seemed to have shrunk. LOL!
Suzanne...are you doing the sketchcrawl on Saturday?
I wish there were a big group of people in the Charlotte/Greenboro area to do it together. The pictures from other big cities look like big fun...
Pity that you're not in Sweden. I would alter it for you and we could make an evening out of it, sewing on the machine while drinking wine!:-)
You are incredible with the ink&marker! The textures... i say it again - you are an amazing artist!
Please sketch something from the wedding!:) Inger Carina
Inger Carina
Oh so very cool.
I want to see the photos!!
What a great sketch, you captured the plastic wrapping so well and the dress looks lovely - I think you chose the right option too, by the way ;-)
It still amazes me how much you can convey with your drawings. Lovely.
I bought my wedding dress off the rack and they tried to get me to have alterations. I told them I was prepared — my something new were spiffy white socks to fill out the top. Worked perfectly! ;-)
This, my friend, is a beautiful drawing (dress is nice too!). Thank your lucky stars that you didn't have to be a bridesmaid in the 1980's (when all my friends were getting married) -- because between the foof and the frills, and the pink -- oh my lord, the miles and miles of pink -- well, let's just say it was incredibly difficult for any bridesmaid of that era not to end up looking like a big lump of cotton candy. Trust me. I have pictures. Many, many pictures. It wasn't pretty. :-)
Lovely simple lines but they say evereything!
Ohh I love this, reminds me of a blind contour. Wonderful line work and love the transparency of the package.
I'm with juj.
You heard this thing about how the bride gets her way? When I was a maid-of-honor (MOH), the bride read somewhere that the MOH could have a special, different dress. Now because the MOH wanted, but because the *bride* wanted. Great; I'll go along with this, I figure.
So, instead of a green dress with "pretty little" (her words) white bows that the other bridesmaids got, the bride decided that me, the MOH, being special and all, should wear a WHITE dress with pretty little green bows. OMG. Who the heck decides to dress someone other than the bride in the bridal party in white?! All those stupid pictures. I looked like a JV bride or something. Horrendous. Geh!
Your dress, on the other hand, looks pretty, and I imagine that you will look very lovely in it...
awesome drawing! The dress looks pretty, much better than the one I had to wear when I was a bridesmaid!
Shoes ... dress ... bag ... I see a trend here! This is one gorgeous bridesmaid dress (they can be horrendous). Stick with Juj's suggestion. Can't go wrong. :)
i am in love for the details
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