Tuesday, October 14, 2008

beagle like mother

photo by sarah margaret church

This photo is so sweet and so sad to me all at the same time.   Poor Pokey...he was trying so hard to prove his athletic ability.  Too bad he got his mother's poor-swimmer-genes.  We both have only one move : frantic doggie paddle.  Read more here.


Anonymous said...

Love the valiant look on his face!

Anonymous said...

OMG! This cracks me up! Reminds me so much of Ellie (my border collie). Each summer I take the dogs to the dog beach on Lake Michigan -- and Liberty and Logan would swim like Olympic athletes (show off Golden Retrievers) -- and poor Ellie -- well, she looked just like Pokey in the water! But she so desperately didn't want to be left behind that she'd do this frantic doggie paddle just trying to keep up (or not to drown, I am never quite sure!).

Go Pokey!

Sandy said...

Oh what a sweetie, he is determined though!

Chris said...

I know a dog named Roxie (owned by my last landlord) that swims exactly like that. I always thought dogs instinctively knew how to swim, but some do not do so well. It breaks your heart...

Joan Y said...

Ok, I seriously could not contain myself and burst out laughing. I hope Pokey doesn't mind cuz OMG that is a hilarious photo. He's looking really frantic there and I feel really badly for laughing so hard.