Tuesday, October 14, 2008

is that a kazoo in your pocket?

As I was rummaging through my closet a few days ago I couldn't help but get a laugh [and a sketch] out of the unusual find in one of my winter pants' pockets. A USB drive I've been searching for well over eight months and a kazoo.I can begin to come up with a logical explanation for the USB...but the kazoo? Come on now... Care to guess why I might have a kazoo in my pocket? And, no, I don't think it has anything to do with my past life as a circus clown.


Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to make some dirty joke for a minute there. ;D Do we get a prize if we guess correctly? ;)

miguel taborda said...

who´s suzanne? :)

6BoxesOfMoss said...

i wish i had a kazoo in my pocket

joseph's art and stuff said...

are there any sound bites on the flash drive of the kazoo?

granny grimble said...

Do you remember actually being the owner of the kazoo, or do you think it might have beenplanted there by ittle green men?

Lynne the Pencil said...

Try playing the kazoo and see if a genie comes out...

Can I have one of your 3 wishes as a reward if I'm right?

~Alissa said...

Maybe you were happy to see someone? ;)