Friday, October 24, 2008


Your voice matters.


m allison r said...

Suzanne, all the times on your blog you express the importance of voting (I agree...100 %) you never express support for or spend any time bashing any party or candidate. You keep your political opinions to yourself. There is a time and a place for those things and I think this speaks volumes about your professionalism as an artist and a teacher. I so appreciate that. Just one more reason your blog is on my "Check every day" list!

Anonymous said...

I voted on Tuesday...woohoo for early voting!!! (Wish I could do the Ben & Jerry's free ice cream deal too...but we don't have one in town).

Screwed Up Texan said...

Love the simplicity. Perfect.

Rachel Esther said...

I find it a little amazing that, coming form a country where you have to vote, more people in your country don't make the effort to. Why not?

Joan Y said...

Yes, a great reminder to us all! This is a great drawing!!!!

Stephen Hall said...

You make it look so effortless! I'm not going to get into the issue of voting, living in the UK whoever you vote for the Government get in! Love your stuff! I'll ke4ep checking it out.

caseytoussaint said...

Wonderful drawing! I tried to vote, but never got my absentee ballot! I sent in a write in, but who knows if they'll count it?

no way said...

I did it last week! It was the first time I'd ever voted electronically, and it was exciting! Great simple sketch to accompany your message.

Danny Escabarte said...

THE RIGHT TO VOTE IS SACRED IN REAL SENSE because we will be anointing our leaders to-be with our confidence by casting our votes for them. IT IS POWER WITHIN OUR GRASP. I hope the Filipino-American Community in the US will go out and exercise their right in this political exercise. CHEERS & BEST WISHES!

Stephen Hall said...

The voting thing. Took some time to look at Danny's site and apologise for my flippant remark.

Inger Carina said...

Your drawings are exquisite! Talented talented friend!
Born in the late 60-th in Europe in a country close to the "East block" you remember that democracy is never to take for granted and you have to treasure that you actually are ABLE to vote. The election in the US is followed here in Europe like the Olympics :) it's on every channel...
/Inger Carina