Thursday, November 06, 2008

behind the plastic curtain

You can imagine my shock as I drew back the shower curtain to find our toothbrushes making out. How dare them! Don't they know that's how gum disease is spread?


that's just it said...

uh oh, scandalous.

what i want to know is, how they ended up in the shower?

suzanne cabrera said...

Good question... :)

jjmascar said...

This is a really cute drawing. I can definitely tell you are a newlywed!

Andrea said...

Love this!

Lynne the Pencil said...

There's an old song I remember my Mum singing to me:

You're a pink toothbrush,
I'm a blue toothbrush,
Have we met somewhere before?

I've forgotten most of it, but it ends:

I'll be true toothbrush
Just to you toothbrush
And we'll both use the same toothpaste.

Piontless trivia, but pertinent at least...

E-J said...

The pink one looks particularly lascivious!! ... Not a word I ever imagined I would ever use to describe a toothbrush.

wagonized said...

Well, as long as they remain unapologetic about it!
This is great -- and i meant to ask the same question... how they ended up there in the first place :-)

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

LOL...and I too am curious about why they were in the shower...perhaps the only place for them to enjoy their illicit romance? :)

suzanne cabrera said...

Seems the rest of you don't brush your teeth in the shower. Does this make me weird?

Chris said...

LOL that's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Awww my toothbrush is all alone....:)

Screwed Up Texan said... did that happen?

Anonymous said...

bwahahaha!! Uh, it is a little weird to brush one's teeth in the shower, I think...spitting on my feet is not something I enjoy. ;D

Stephen Hall said...

Frankly I'm shocked! I brush my teeth, put my toothbrush back in the holder and while I'm at work this 'thing' is going on!!! Ew! then I put it back in my mouth!! I'm repulsed!!

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...


Joan Y said...

Hehehe. From the looks of it I think they might have closed the curtain and continued!

please sir said...


Yamada Shota said...

phew, shocking to become an involuntary witness...