Saturday, November 15, 2008

lunchtime blues

I wonder what ever happened to my Care Bear Cousins lunchbox?


no way said...

Just the sight of that Care Bears lunch box sends me into an 80's time warp. Wouldn't it be fun to have those lunch boxes again? Ot a Trapper Keeper, for that matter?

suzanne cabrera said...

I'd give my left hand for a trapper keeper!

Stephen Hall said...

What's a trapper keeper? I think your lunch box has great style, better than my Tupperware box!

Rachel Esther said...

Brave Heart Lion! Oh I loved him! Good job for even having a lunch box - my lunch get shoved in my hand bag and a prayer is said for no spillage's and minimal squashing!

suzanne cabrera said...

Haha...Hi Stephen---Check out this link:
Believe me when I say these were SOOO cool at the time.

Anonymous said...

I didn't have a lunch box as a kid so I made a point to have one as an adult. I've carried a Miffy one and a Tinkerbell one. Then I switched to cute bento boxes.

Lunch is more appealing when it's happy. I say get a lunch box!

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

yes...where or where is my Strawberry Shortcake lunch box...and what happened to Pee Chee folders?