Monday, March 23, 2009

gone but not forgotten

Please bear with me...I'm having a difficult time putting sentences together this morning...the writing bug has yet to wake up.
gone but not forgotten
This sketch is from a couple of weeks ago. When my sketchbook went missing, so did it. Perhaps its because I have terrible short-term memory, but the strange thing is that I didn't remember any of the drawings in the lost sketchbook that I hadn't already scanned and recorded here. Looking at them again now is like time traveling.

Take this sketch... the evening I drew it, Edgar and I had spent the day organizing the studio. We'd gotten dinner from a local Greek restaurant (see styrofoam to-go container) and were watching a episode of Family Guy on Hulu. I would have completely forgotten about this rather insignificant day if not for the sketch.

It's times like this that I'm inspired to draw everything...while moments continue to slip past, they live on in sketches.


Jan said...

I soo need an aide memoire (wish I could draw - sigh) :)

Screwed Up Texan said...

I find myself remembering things I normally would have forgotten if I hadnt wrote it down in my journal or taken a photograph. I suspect drawing is the same.

aimee said...

just marvelous! i love the dog peering in the window, hoping there are some leftovers from that greek takeout...

Rachel Esther said...

i do the same with photo's. My husband laughs at me for taking pictures of food when we travel but i LOVE to remember everything we've eaten and I know I wouldn't if i couldn't see it. Glad you got your book back.

wagonized said...

And this is the kind of sketch that I love. Especially when you can squeeze your Mac in there.