Monday, March 16, 2009

i look like what?!?

Good morning! Hope you had a very happy weekend! In case you're having a bit of trouble transitioning into work mode (like I am) here's a question to get your brain up and running:

How would you feel if your significant other drew you like this?
Well, mine did and uh, yeah...


no way said...

The rainbow-shaped hairstyle is interesting, but I thought your hair was a little lighter colored than that?

suzanne cabrera said...

I have darkened it a bit...but...

Screwed Up Texan said...

Did he use his nondominant hand? I thought he was a drawer than that...Although I must say, I love your lips.

Deniz said...

i would think he cant draw? (think possitive..!)
congrats to the win over at quaint, thats how i found your blog...will be back again
have a happy monday

Stacey D said...

Holy Cow!! I think my husband would be in some serious trouble. You are much nicer looking than that.

Anonymous said...

I would think (a) the man needs some serious drawing lessons and (b) the man needs to take me out to dinner to make up for that nasty drawing.

Sandy said...

I agree, great lips, and hey, at least he knows you have hair, my husb can only draw a stick figure (and I would never ask him to draw anyway ;-) You can hold this over his head forever!!!

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

LOL...looks like something my husband would draw :)

Anonymous said...

No worries, you make a cute Weeble!