Thursday, March 05, 2009

seven days and counting...

Still no sketchbook sighting. I've been trying to take it all in stride, hoping it will just turn up. After all, I have a natural tendency to put things in places they shouldn't be (i.e. peanut butter in the fridge, ice cream in the cabinet). But, this time I think its really lost.

Until I find it, or break down and buy a new one, I'll continue to amuse myself (and hopefully you) with things outside my sketchbook. Like this photo by Funkyah.

It's titled "I've tried my best to let you go, but I don't want to." I have the very same relationship with our friend Mr. Coca-Cola.


Jan said...

Oh I love that image.
Hope you find your book x

Screwed Up Texan said...

Personally, I am a Dr Pepper junkie.

I also hope you find your book.

Andrea said...

Grrr ... I feel for you. I lost my daily sketchbook last year and it was a rough time. I hope you find yours!

Kerstin Klein said...

always coca cola! i just love coke - from the first time i tasted it and so far i haven´t found any substitute.

Meili said...

My little sis is in the middle of a personal goal to give up Coke for a few months, and every time I have one in front of her (yes, I'm cruel), she whimpers a little.

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Ugh...I am so sorry. I do hope it turns up...that if someone finds it, they realize what it's worth to you.

Anonymous said...

If I found your sketchbook, I am embarrassed to admit that I might hold on to it for a bit -- just reveling in all that Suzanne goodness and talent! It would be a feast for the eyes that would be hard to give back (but I would give it back if I had it!). Hope it turns up soon!

moonandhare said...

That Mr. Cola photo is great! Hope you find your sketchbook soon!

Kate said...

Losing your sketchbook is like losing a piece of yourself. I hope you find it soon. And I hope it has been on some fabulous adventure!

lee said...

I have the same relationship with Diet Coke. Keeping my fingers crossed you will find your book

Anonymous said...

i hope you find it again. I lost my completed save the world sketchbook recently, after it has been sent back from atlanta, i just mislaid it. couldn't find it anywhere, hunted house and home. Wrote it off and stopped looking. A horrible feeling. And then, magically, it turned up, stuffed inside of all things a blackadder dvd cover (I had obviously put it there to protect it and forgotten), revealing itself when my one-year old son pushed it off the shelf. There is always hope!!

Karen Blados said...

did it ever turn up, cause maybe it knows where my website files are. i swear, if my head weren't screwed on ... lol!

hope it's turned up.