The wind has been blowing like crazy today, leaving our driveway and cars covered with leaves and flowers. This earth day "litter" led to some sketching and experimenting...



cool! it's inspiring to see how even a flower blowing by can spark your pen into action!
aaah......spring has sprung... thank you for those lovely images.
It's stunning!!!!!
i LOVE these!
Wonderful...that second one down, without the outlines...LOVE it.
Great minds think alike and all that, I guess. ;)
The original uncolored outlines are my favorite. How beautiful!
So, so pretty!
interesting process - love the end result.
Love the Earth Day Confetti! Very nice!
Oooooh so lovely, I love the process you gave us. Nice choice of colors.
Simply beautiful! I wish my litter were that stunning. :}
Hmmm, the end result is the cover of a notebook or a binder. Wouldn't you say it's fitting? Thank you for posting the evolution of this one. Beautifully done.
absolutely stunning, Suzanne. stunning.
Have not been here in a while ... school seems to take up too much time ...
but MY am I impressed by your experiments .... especially like the second one...
Very nice! What software are you using?
Beautiful!! Very Alphonse Mucha in my opinion....that's a compliment for me.
Thanks Chey...I'll definitely take that as a compliment :)
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