Monday, April 27, 2009

she's got legs

See, I told you there was nothing to be worried about. I may have thrown in the towel, but only in order to get a nice pair of legs...and these didn't even require running!

Saturday was devoted to a second passion (searching for vintage beauty) at the Liberty Antiques Festival. In addition to procuring an incredibly unattractive sunburn (think redneck), I was able to find some goodies that make my heart sing.  I'll share more about these later. In the meantime, I encourage you to visit Please Sir where Diana is sure to document the festival (and her finds) in style.


please sir said...

How'd you know I would be there?! Yes, I was there - wish we could have met up. Although I was looking quite hot and sunburned as well. I'll be putting up some more pictures tonight!

Screwed Up Texan said...

Hey, I've gotta photo with me and a great pair of legs...not mine of course. Love vintage goodies...

traphic signs said...

I'm in Hilton Head right now, and while I'm not (at all) complaining about that, you should SEE my sunburns.. I hear ya - apparently I don't know how to put on sunscreen, and am pink (red.) in some awkward splotches all over my limbs.