I'm captivated by the honesty with which Michael writes...and draws. I also appreciate the humorous lens through which he views life. In one issue Michael writes that as a child he played the trombone. He goes on to say "I don't think trombones are a good look for slightly plump ten year olds." This made me laugh out loud. Having also been a slightly plump ten year old who
In addition to reading, I've also been drawing! As a result, I have an arsenal of ideas for upcoming posts, including:
-all that glitters isn't gold-
-buy that fish a drink-
-the friendship fish-
-a logo for moppy-mop-
-taking a bite out of life-
-good riddance-
-self reflection-
Stay tuned...
Gorgeous site.. came via twitter. ;-)
I was fortunate enough to have one a Beany in Michael's very generous recent give-a-way. Woo hoo. I've been following Michael off an on since, oh, I think something like mid 2004.
cool stuff! will have to go check it out... and your post titles are intriguing - i'm especially curious about the logo for moppy mop...
Oh lucky Suzanne!
I love Michael Nobbs's drawings.
What an interesting program!! I'll sure come back to check!
me too. a big fan.
i've got a Beany, or two, that i always keep in my bag - battered and bruised but still very readable. and very inspiring.
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