Monday, June 15, 2009

can you find the banana in this goat's stomach?

This is the current state of my studio.

inside the goat's stomach

Minus the Deadwoodesque texture that makes it look somewhat glamorous. Yeeeeeaaah. This is what happens when weekend organizing takes a turn for the worst and let me tell you, it's a great way to start a Monday (note sarcasm).

I think it's safe to say I won't be doing much drawing today. In the meantime, however, I plan to venture over to Artsyville and read this post one more time (I've already read it three). I think you should too. Cheers!


A J FRENCH said...

oh° I found the banana!

Edgar Cabrera said...

i found that banana too. i should have eaten it!

Green Girl said...

studios are meant to be messy at least once in awhile, hehehe... and yup, i found the banana:)

aimee said...

hee hee, i'm glad you liked that corner view post. and as for the state of your studio, all i can see is goodness - especially those big boy pictures on your desk! and i love the laundry on your chair - that is all me!

Unknown said...

Oddly, I'm very envious. I live for this kind of project. I love organizing rooms, closets, sock drawers, tool sheds, you name it. I know...odd obsession. :)

suzanne cabrera said...

Please come over immediately!

Unknown said...

LOL! Suuuuure...I can drive those 929 miles in no time flat. :)

mARTa said...

gosh, I didn't even look for the banana! Here's a corner of my messy studio.
but I'm going to take a road trip for a few weeks and then come home and attack it!

suzanne cabrera said...

Oh Marta---it looks delightful! I wonder if this is how it goes with other people's messes. I want to explore each and every shelf.

Anonymous said...

Didn't find the banana, but I'm relieved to see your room look like my art/craft/sewing room right before I cleaned it yesterday (and I only cleaned it because relatives are invading this weekend and the house needs to look semi-presentable). :}

Elizabeth Seaver said...

Found it pretty quickly, I must say, but then, I'm used to looking for items in disaster zones! Love your blog!

jax from the harmon squad said...

At least it was an on-purpose mess: I had the shelves all my "stuff" is stored on collapse last Thursday. Granted, I has long passed the maximum load capacity on those little wire shelves, but it still wasn't fun to have to go get new (much stronger, I've learned my lesson) shelves and organize everything again.

me melodia said...

looks like you've been productive.
nice blog!