Monday, June 01, 2009

happy birthday edgar

I think this photo deserves a clever caption...only I'm not very clever today. How about some help? Consider it a birthday present to Edgar :) And while you're at it, here's another captionless photo of Pokey getting the party started...


aimee said...

these photos speak for themselves - no captions needed! they're marvelous. happy birthday to your sweetie!

Screwed Up Texan said...

Well, you posted it at a lucky time (3:33...all same numbers) so tell Edgar to make a wish! Although his wish may have already come true...he has YOU!

Jan said...

Oh I'm useless at clever captions - however I would request that Edgar refrain from throttling you - birthday or no birthday !
Many happy returns to him anyway :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Aimee...and aren't photos work a thousand words anyway? ;)

Happy Birthday, Edgar! To paraphrase Screwed Up Texan, it looks like you've already got the best present in your arms.

Anonymous said...

Very caption needed!

littlemithi said...

Words just wouldn't do them justice!

chucklechuckle ;)

Lil said...

Happy Birthday Edgar! :-)

Unknown said...

Ah... "Edgar and the best present he's ever received!"

Wendee said...

Edgar looks so happy in a (Winnie the Pooh's) Tigger sort of way! Looks like quite a party, there!

donna said...
