Wednesday, June 03, 2009

life is so fragile

a place for an egg
[a place for an egg : courtesy of liz brown : fall 2007]

And just like that the babies are gone.

I went back to the nest to check on the birds this morning. At first I thought they were sleeping...but they weren't. I read yesterday that birds this age need to eat every 15 to 20 minutes from sunrise to sunset. With the mother nowhere in sight, it seems this didn't happen...

This was not how I expected this story to end.


Edgar Cabrera said...

oh baby my heart hurts :(

suzanne cabrera said...

mine too.

Anonymous said...

That is sad. Wildlife have a lot to contend with. I always cheer when we see fledglings out and about; we know, then, that yet another brood survived.

hiwendee said...
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Wendee said...

Oh no. :( We need to cherish and celebrate life. No matter how scary we think it is sometimes.

Sandy said...

Sad, life is harsh - I too found a nest in our garage, without knowing we had shut the mother out and two little white eggs have been abandoned ;-(

aimee said...

so sorry :(

owenswain said...

My mom went through this three years in a row. I lived it vicariously with as she sent me photos every so many days by email. After the last sad story she said she couldn't take the pressure of being a "surrogate parent" any longer and had someone remove the nest.

Kristen said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Things like this seem so infuriatingly wasteful - I thought that 'God' or whomever, was supposed to make a barrier, hold up a big STOP sign and say 'NO WAY!'

I guess we're all left to our own devices. Hope you've found something to lift your spirits. If anything, we're there with you, emotionally.


melissa said...

oh, no! so sorry suzanne.

Cindy said...

i'm really sorry. i'm glad you took the photo of the one yesterday.

jax from the harmon squad said...

So sad. But at least they died peacefully: my dad came home one day to find a black snake's head stuck in the birdhouse because it was too big to fit back out the hole. Not that that makes you feel any better.

Jan said...

Ah well - nature is both fascinating and cruel.

Caio Fern said...

hi! this is the first time i visit your blog .you have a very good work .it was realy nice to meet you.

laura said...

so sorry to hear that.

Unknown said...

Oh no!! I'm so sad for you.

Screwed Up Texan said...

Last week a baby bird flew up out of the grass and landed on my hip (easy big target). I wasnt sure what to do so I called my husband over and he picked it up and put it on the tree. Birds dont have the greatest sense of smell, contrary to popular belief, and soon the mama and papa bird were again feeding their baby and teaching it how to fly.

dominique eichi said...

So sorry they did not make it. They were cute/ugly

no way said...

Oh, so sad Suzanne. I was so excited to hear more about the birds. At least their short time with you was happy,and spent in stylish accomodations.

Aveen said...

Oh no :( So sad. Poor little things.

Aris said...

This breaks my heart. Nature breaks my heart over and over again and then it mends it with all of it's beauty and purpose.

The Cowgirl said...

oh, I am so birds are so do they worm their way into our hearts so quickly?