hey, we don't look so good when we're born, either. he needs a good blow dry and some hair product and all the little birds will be swooning, including us ;).
Hahaha...ya'll are giving me some good laughs. Thanks for the support. Edgar put this guy (and his two brothers...I might add) back in the nest yesterday after doing a little research and finding out this was what one should do. I'm hoping they stay inside today, but have a feeling they'll probably be ready to do some more exploring.
Wow Suzanne-I applaud you for getting so close (or else you have some good zoom on your camera?)
Those are some brave birds to be so far from the nest and so apparently helpless. Do you know what type of bird this is? It sure doesn't look like a robin or a sparrow, but I guess I don't know much.
what the eff kind of bird IS that?
Okay. That's just creepy.
and I actually like birds.
OMG!!! If human babies looked like that when they were born, they'd be so many more orphans. It is so ugly it's cute actually.
I made my husband stop ironing his shirt so he could come see these pictures. (I do not iron his shirts, obviously.)
Unbelievable. So ugly it's incredibly cute.
i didn't know that's what baby birds looked like...i think it's kind of cute!
what the.........??
What an amazing story!
...is it supposed to look like that??
It is kind of cute, in a "mutant killer bird" sort of way :)
Suzanne - my heart goes out to you.
I would have totally freaked out.
Sad looking little thing though.
ohmydays, what is that? it has wing-legs? is he ok? are you adopting him??
hey, we don't look so good when we're born, either. he needs a good blow dry and some hair product and all the little birds will be swooning, including us ;).
Hahaha...ya'll are giving me some good laughs. Thanks for the support. Edgar put this guy (and his two brothers...I might add) back in the nest yesterday after doing a little research and finding out this was what one should do. I'm hoping they stay inside today, but have a feeling they'll probably be ready to do some more exploring.
oh, that is fantastic!
great photos.
Well, that´s not an early bird, it must be an "UglyBird", had to look closely at his legwings,
Good pictures, me likealot
looks like an x-bird to me, or i've been watching too much science fiction!
Wow Suzanne-I applaud you for getting so close (or else you have some good zoom on your camera?)
Those are some brave birds to be so far from the nest and so apparently helpless. Do you know what type of bird this is? It sure doesn't look like a robin or a sparrow, but I guess I don't know much.
Looking forward to more updates!
the face only a mother could love! Your drawings of the birds was incredibly accurate!
Eeps! So odd looking, yet so cute!
omgoodness! He's all feet & wings & beak. Now I can see how they fit into they're little eggs. I second the thought that he's so ugly he's cute. :)
how adorable his fuzzy head is. all newborns are disgusting but adorable.lol
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