Friday, June 05, 2009

sweet silence

It's rainy. The house is quiet. Things are perfectly still.

This is my favorite type of distractions. Just being. And time to enjoy the small things that make home a happy place to be.

vintage map
: a dream-inspiring map of europe, warm socks and a cute friend :

new bath mat
: a shag bath mat and sandals i can wear with nearly every outfit :

cactus collection
: a cactus collection i'm working hard to keep alive :

this is what they call a rat tail
: a super cute booty with a rat tail only a mother could love :

little egg
: a little egg edgar found and over-sized hoop earrings :

: hello! letters that keep moving around the house :

they'll do anything for a treat
: a dog that will do almost anything for a treat :

Here's wishing you a weekend filled with quiet bliss.


Shelley said...

I love your puppy! So cute!

Jan said...

Blissful weekend to you too.

owenswain said...

Our doggie is at least four times the size but like your dog will do almost anything for a treat - I think it's the same for every k9 ;-)

daveterry said...

You will not believe this but...the interior of your house looks like ours! I wonder if the artists we enjoy most have houses that look like our own? This could be a very interesting study.

dominique eichi said...

:-D................ oh sweeeeeeeeeet .
ENJOY>>>>>>>>> it

wagonized said...

I love the back end of Pokey!
And I love big maps on the walls.
Great, quiet week end ahead. Wish I could stop by for a cup of tea.

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

What a nice blog today. You reminded me that sometimes it's just nice to share the little things.

Unknown said...

hi Suzanne... new visitor..
so glad I popped in...
found you thru weblogartists...
what a fun blog you have...
mona & the girls
its doggy babysitting for me while the girls are gone at the show
malaki-husky mix
mac-lab boston terrior mix :)
daisy-westie biscon mix
minnie pearl-westie
& Jessic's
conner-lab/golden ret.
6 dogs in the house.. crazy weekend
for me...thats some tail wagg'n

Anonymous said...

What a cool map you have! Where did you get it?

I covet your sandals too. :)

Unknown said...

Very cool images! Your eye for unique compositions really shows in your photog skills too.

Aris said...

Life is good. Enjoy!! YOur pup is too cute!

gnomeangel said...

Awww beagle tail = love!

I love a rainy day at home.

The Cowgirl said...

Looks like my type of weekend...hope it was fabulous :)

suzanne cabrera said...

Thanks Teresa! I found the map at the Liberty Antiques Festival I mentioned a while back. It was such a lucky find!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you! and I guess that means I'm SOL. Darn!

gnomeangel said...

HI Suzanne :)

You inspired me - I just had to get a shot of our beagle as well.

Check it out @

Hope you're looking after yourself and having fun :)
