Saturday, January 27, 2007

draw backs

It didn't matter that it was in the middle of class...a class I was responsible for leading; this was just too good. The position of the students was waaay too perfect to miss the chance of drawing them. So, there I was sketching away, hoping I'd finish the drawing in my sketchbook before they finished theirs' on the wall.


Anonymous said...

You must have done this super fast. Their poses are perfect -- i can almost hear the hum of their distant voices. Way cool. Gosh i love drawing students unbeknownst to them as well. Actually -- did you show them afterward?

Felicity Grace said...

Amazing for a quick sketch undr pressure and it's great to get an insight into your day!

Lindsay said...

I just found your site! Great stuff here and I love this group of students.
PS. the colorless blender transfer idea is GREAT!

heather lorin said...

excellent! It's amazing how a quick swipe of grey can give so much dimension.

Jana Bouc said...

Wonderful sketch and way to go with apprenticing your students to being an artist by modelling how one draws at every opportunity or inspiration. I'm curious what drawing implements you were using--I really like the line quality and the grey "wash".

Ester Wilson said...

this is so cool! I love the simple added shadow with grey.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! That's the way I'd like to be able to sketch.

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Fantastic Suzanne.

suzanne cabrera said...

Thank you to everyone for their continued encouragement!!!! You have no idea how much this fosters my creativity!

France- No, I tend not to show people once I have drawn them. I'm always afraid they will not be flattered by what they see. I think this is especially the case when drawing backsides :)

Jana- I completed the quick gesture in class with a felt-tip pen. Then last night, before I scanned the image in, I touched it up with a gray chart-pak marker. I had planned on doing this with watercolor, but I was pressed for time. However, I feel the marker really creates the same effect.

Anonymous said...

How perfect, feel like I'm eavesdropping on the intimate critique. Like others have said it's a great way for you to model the sketching habit.