Friday, February 02, 2007

IF: sprout

This week's Illustration Friday topic "sprout" automatically brought to mind "blossom" which, in turn, made me think of puberty. I was definitely a late bloomer. In fact, I'm not altogether sure that I ever bloomed! I do know, however, that I spent years in front of the mirror hoping and praying that I would one day "sprout" some breasts! As embarassing as this revelation is (blush, blush), it was too perfect to pass up as an illustration challenge!


Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful post and illustration!!

Teri said...

So funny because it is so true, for me too.

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Fabulous Suzanne! He he he!

Anonymous said...

TeeHee! That illo is just too that face!

IamOSI said...

nice illo. diggin the expression.

Unknown said...

Once I figured it out, I laughed out loud. Wonderful illustration - very whimsical and subtle! thanks for the laugh.

Good luck,


Anonymous said...

That's a cute drawing. I always love doing reflections, drawing people from different angles at once.


i love your illo and style! and i can relate to your story as well. ha ha!

pati said...

lol I had another kind of sprout... my belly :s

Loooove ur illo, it's fantastic!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is such a cool illustration! The pose is so perfect. And er- yeah, i can relate to this one. :-)

mrana said...

great idea and such a wonderful illustration!

Karen Sandstrom said...

Suzanne, this is WONDERFUL. (Having, um, over-sprouted myself, I'm tempted to do a Miracle-Gro version of your fabulous illo.)

Anonymous said...

So cute! I was one too!

suzanne cabrera said...

I'm so happy to know I wasn't alone in my late "sprouting"!

heather lorin said...

Love this - that could have been me in the mirror!

Jeannetto said...

oh i like this idea

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Certainly not alone Suzanne - you can add me to the list too. I just love this one so much. I forgot to mention about the expression last time. Wonderful drawing.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable. There's so much determination in that expression. : )

Anonymous said...

Good concept! And you pulled it off with minimal linework!

Rico said...

Hahahaha! That's brilliant!
Great pose and expression.

Kerstin Klein said...

Your sprout illustartion is great!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. What a fun way to interpret. Also enjoyed the morning routine/grid.

tusen said...

great interpretation of the topic! I really like the pose and the mirror reflection. And well, you know, I can actually relate to that, too ;)

Felicity Grace said...

So funny - and I can relate! ;)