Wednesday, January 20, 2010

officially unofficial

clever girls troupe
Dedicated to all who embrace cleverness.


patrick lee lucas said...

daggone bunch o' home-schoolers!

Addie said...

ohnooyou di-int, patrick!

Tim said...

Ill just pretend I am that big yellow star in the background. You know...the "glue" holding this clever relationship together.


It's the first week of classes Suzanne. Someone has too much time on their hands...

suzanne cabrera said...

Excuse me have time to comment?!?

Tim said...

Haha. Just kidding!

Edgar Cabrera said...

ha ha! I agree with patrick...home-schoolers!

katie reynolds said...


Unknown said...

Can I join? Is there a membership fee or an embarrassing initiation?

suzanne cabrera said...

Ashley---No membership fee or embarrassing initiation...a knack for cleverness is the only prerequisite! Consider yourself a member!