Tuesday, February 02, 2010

body language

body language
This semester I've divided my drawing course into five units (objects, people, spaces, buildings and places) aimed at helping students develop the skills of perception and communication they will need as interior designers. Last week we kicked off the people unit with quick gestures. I love these fast-paced exercises. There is such a sense of satisfaction that comes from quickly capturing the essence of a person on paper, deciding on the spot what information is important to focus on and what to leave to the imagination.
body language
If you'd like, you can follow our class via the fine documentation of my teaching assistants at our class blog here.


Kelley Bozarth said...

I miss drawing classes... a lot. Maybe you should take all of your lessons and write a book so I can buy it and keep practicing as a grown-up :)

suzanne cabrera said...

I wish Kelley! Maybe one day...

Krista Meister said...

I took a look at your class blog, Suzanne, and wow, has college changed in 20 years! LOL. I am a former interior design student as well. I like how (a) people now have blogs to post their work on as well as a class blog for announcements; and (b) your class is focusing a lot of more art/sketching/people.

Back in the 1980's, it was all about drafting/mechanical renderings. Of course, even that was very cutting edge at the time, with interior design finally gaining respectability as an interior architecture design major instead of just curtain/picture hanging and color theory. Progress, indeed!

It would have been much more fun to be a student in today's world with technology on our side!

aimee said...

whoa! that blog is packed full of useful resources. thank you!

prashant said...

I think it's when they get too long that they become side bangs :)

Work from home India

San said...

wow, I'd love to be able to sketch like this. I definitely need to take some classes, not just one.