Tuesday, February 09, 2010

heartfelt thanks

thinking of you
What do you say we start celebrating Valentine's Day a little early?
No reason to save love...

Thank you so much for helping me brainstorm yesterday and for sharing my list on your own blogs. I've completed both presentations and your feedback really paid off. Which leads me to another round of thanks to the kind art student at one of the presentations who helped me figure out how to better adjust the colors of my illustrations in Photoshop. It works! Cheers!


Lrc said...

it's always a pleasure to read your blog...thanks for your kind comments on my blog! the stacking does look like a totem pole...i'll take credit for an accident ;)

Kelley Bozarth said...

This is so, so cute :) And what's the trick for color adjustments?

suzanne cabrera said...

Hi Kelley---You probably know this already, but he was explaining how you could use the 'replace color' option in photoshop to turn the background white without adjusting the levels for the whole image. It really helped prevent my watercolors from either fading or becoming too saturated.

aimee said...

precious!! by the way the second commenter stopped by my blog this week too ;)