Monday, February 08, 2010

one of those days

sock-eating shoes


la ninja said...

the hungry buggers...
I have a pair of slippers like that at home. tsk tsk.

rachel awes said...

i LOOOVE this one!!!! thank you for charming my heart (& ankles) this morning. xox

Edgar Cabrera said...

this is hilarious! some shoes just love to do that!

jodi said...

i hate when that happens!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I think it's because your socks are so darned yummy looking! What great socks. I have sock envy!!

Unknown said...

I have a pair of boots that do the same thing!

Lrc said...

I couldn't resist commenting! Some socks just lose their starch and collapse. I'd never blamed the shoes before but maybe they get hungry...

Kirstin said...

lol. I always blame the socks. Maybe it's just this particular combination of socks and shoes. They don't play well with each other? Very cute!

aimee said...

they are like siblings! they don't ask to get tossed together, but it must happen, so it's inevitable that they get into tussles with each other once in a while. i wish i knew why my kids insisted on stuffing my shoes and boots with foreign objects. i've found everything from fisher price little people to CDs in my footwear.

San said...

aahh, it's mostly my boots who do that.

Nice one.

Anonymous said...

haha! this sketch and caption just made me laugh out loud! hasn't this annoying trend happened to all of's definitely plagued me before. thanks for the humorous moment. :)