Monday, March 15, 2010

all she did was listen

So as I'm sure you've gathered, I've been going through a bit of a rough spell. I pride myself on being an optimistic person, but lately this hasn't been so easy. Slowly, however, I'm *beginning* to see that elusive light at the end of the tunnel. Included in that light is the work of Rachel Awes. Just look.

Isn't it lovely?
I asked Rachel what inspires her drawings and she shared the following:
one of my greatest passions is to support and celebrate people living fully into who they are and shining it out. this is one way i can contribute a small offering to help heal our world, because people long to be seen and loved. through both my work as a psychologist and in my personal life, i simply see people happiest when they are authentic.

i've always loved to notice pretty things. maybe it began with agates and marbles. now it's also in people and the pretty sentences that tumble out of them like gold. that is what ultimately inspires me. then i want to draw it. savor it. love them some more as i do so. and then share it with the beautiful people, who is Everybody, and remind them of their incredible insides. at least that is my brightest and deep achiest hope.

Thank you Rachel for the goodness [and authenticity] you put out into the world.
See more of Rachel's work on her blog and at her etsy site.


San said...

Oh dear, I hope you get to the end of your tunnel soon.

If you can make it work, go to your happy place. Personally I really enjoy the sea. Nothing like a cool salty breeze to clear my head. Maybe it helps you too?

Have a lovely week.
Cheers San

rachel awes said...

yes, brightest lights beamed your way & thank you again for this posting!! xox

aimee said...

rachel is indeed awe-inspiring - her juicy and authentic work is just the prescription for a rough spell! i bought the 'high note & shine' print last week, and i am in love with it!

hugs to you my dear :)

Addie said...

This is exactly what the doctor ordered! I really do think rachels perspective on the people and the world will bring a bit of healing!!!!
What a wonderful post!

Addie said...

This is exactly what the doctor ordered! I really do think rachels perspective on the people and the world will bring a bit of healing!!!!
What a wonderful post!

Lynne said...

I am so far behind on my blog reading (don't even ask about the writing!), but when I saw this I just had to stop and let you know that I understand the weight of depression first hand, and the power it has to shift a perspective. I admire your desire to find the good -- to look for the bright spots -- and also to take care of yourself. Learning to cope with or overcome the darker days is an individual journey for each of us, but I wanted you to know you are not alone. And that I admire your spirit...