Wednesday, March 17, 2010

daylight saving in green

daylight savings in green

Did anyone else have trouble waking up this morning?

Daylight saving time is killing me. Last week I was hopping out of bed at 6:30. Today it took two alarms and three pushes to the snooze button to begin the crawl out! Let's hope the leprechauns are better adjusted!

Wishing you a happy and lucky St. Patrick's Day!


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on DST. I'm usually much better than this. Not this year.

aimee said...

with you all the way. EVIL DST. i just wrote the same sentence verbatim about it killing me. no good.

Cindy said...

it's definitely a challenge for me this week. erin go bragh!

Kelley Bozarth said...

the time change has treated us very well in chicago :) yesterday i didn't get home until 6:15 and still had to time get in a 3 mile run along lake michigan before the sun set!

suzanne cabrera said...

Kelley---3 I really feel bad!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Gack...yes! I hate DST. Indiana didn't use to have it, but the ^%$# governor changed that. Did you know that heart attack incidents go way up after DST?

KMidd said...

I never have troubles getting out of bed on St. Patrick's Day..its my favorite holiday of the year!

sunny said...

The D in DST stands for Devil