Wednesday, March 24, 2010

no comment

Edgar recently found this cartoon in a US Airways magazine. He couldn't wait to share it with me. I have absolutely no idea why...
cartoon by Mark Anderson


please sir said...

Haha...that is pretty funny!

Annie said...

That is hilarious!

I only wish my husband read my blog, let alone commented on it. :)

San said...


Kelley said...

Very clever. :)

Unknown said...

Love this! My friend Candy ( forwarded this to me after I recently commented on my husband reading (and retaining information) from my blog. LOL, it's the truth!

Anonymous said...

I NEED to show dh this...he'll love it too! ;D

MoolyBee said...

Mine never visits my blog. His thinking is "I watched you make it, why do I need to look at pictures of it!" Flawed reasoning, but I still love him!

Patty said...

Haha that's so cute! What a funny husband you have ;)

Lila said...

Ha ha! I don't know either! No, that is basically true in some of our lives. Embarrassing!
Lila Ferraro
Queen Bedroom Sets

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...


Heather said...

I watched you make it, why do I need to look at pictures of it!" Flawed reasoning,but I still love him.

Heather said...

I watched you make it, why do I need to look at pictures of it!" Flawed reasoning, but I still love him.

Carrie said...

Haha that's so cute! What a funny husband you have,great work.

Becky said...

Hahahaah, What a funny husband you have, u have such a great family.

suzanne cabrera said...

Thank you all! He is a funny one!

Sadie said...

need to look at pictures of it!" Flawed reasoning,but I still love him.

Allison Clark said...

I am such a frustrated painter, I never knew how to draw. But I have the talent on how to appreciate things, and this one is really really funny.