Monday, October 02, 2006

EDM Challenge: Something 'Cool'


Anonymous said...

Oh Suzanne, what a great illustration! I love the red, the stains, and your handwriting. Did you see Almost Famous? Lester Bangs's tirade on the "industry of cool" (and his "I'm always home. I'm uncool") come to mind as i am finishing reading your post. Your thoughts are reassuring! A lot of high school Freshmen across the nation need to see that!!!

Anonymous said...

My 18 year old daughter says she can't understand how they expect to sell clothes when most of their models are more or less naked.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne... don't know if you received the reply to your post on my blog. In case you didn't:

I've been trying to work faster and looser... but sometimes I have to just throw up my hands and say, "Who am I kidding?" I probably spent five or six hours on this one (the cello) all together, from the initial sketch, to ink, and on through to the finished colored pencil -- and the darn thing's only about 4" x 6".

About half way through I totally and completely bolluxed up the bottom section, but was able to "save" it. At this point I don't think anyone but me could tell. (Hopefully!)

heather lorin said...

I love this - adding the story to the drawing gives it so much more depth.