I completely understand if you are questioning what this drawing has to do with the EDM topic of "draw something mom." It's a stretch, but let me explain... My mom is good at so many things I'm not. For instance, she has a beautiful soprano voice and can sing the French national anthem perfectly...despite the fact she doesn't know French. She is great at geography. And, she can fold a fitted sheet perfectly...who else can fold a fitted sheet? I certainly can't.
My mom also has perfectly organized closets. Not one thing is out of place. In fact, everything is color coordinated and pressed (nothing goes in wrinkled.) With this being said, I simply can't looked at my messy closet and not be reminded of the ways I am not like my mom.
This is priceless! And very creative, I might add! Oh what I wouldn't give for a full-size closet. In this little cape cod cottage of a home, I've got some very tiny -- very funky closets that require more than a bit of imagination to use effectively!
great job....thank goodness my mom is not that organized or gifted...she thinks i am:>
God, I LOVE this. My new favourite of yours. For defo.
looks super and if i bothered to finish unpacking the trunks it would be impossible to draw the contents of my cupboard. coming from a country which doesnt do fitted sheets, Iwould love to get tips from your mum on how to fold them :D
great drawing, clothing is so hard to draw with all those wrinkles but you did this one beautifully
Oh Suzanne, it's not a stretch -- i see the "un-Mom" quality here!! I am fond of the pile of shoes!
I've always wanted to draw my closets but never had the guts. Probably because my Mom visits my blog and would be really sorry to see them!!!
How DO moms do that? My mom always looks at me like I'm nuts when I say I can't fold fitted sheets. Of course, maybe it's easier if you iron them into submission first and well ... I don't iron. Permanent press is a wonderful thing.
LOVELY Drawing! I don't know if I want to look in my closet, let alone draw it.
Great sketch! I made me think about all the closets in my house growing up - when my sisters and I were kids and were told to clean our rooms our Dad would come in to check. If the closets were messy (closets are a great place to hide all the stuff you don't feel like putting away) he would take the doors off! We couldn't have them back til everything was in its place. Thank goodness he hasn't seen the closets in my house now!
That's so funny because in my case, this would be a perfect representation of my mom. Every inch of space in her house is crammed with stuff, bursting to overflowing. One bedroom can't be walked into as it's become an overstuffed closet. Great drawomg!
Awesome! When I was a kid, my closet and my room were always messy. Then when I moved into my first apartment, I realized the wisdom of organization. lol! Still not as good as your mom, but because we've always lived in small quarters, I've gotten good at using every bit of space as efficiently as possible. This is such a great drawing to look at.
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