Another day in
the hot seat.

I think it's probably a southern thing, but I've always called the type of hat this guy is wearing a toboggan. Recently, however, I was "made aware" that this word doesn't exist (at least in this context) in the dictionary. Oh well.. So, if it's not a toboggan, what is it? It seems I need another name.
UPDATE: Check out the comment to this post from Scottie. One of my students recognized this person as being her friend, Scottie, (based on the green toboggan) and showed him the image. Ha! "It's a small world after all.."
It's called a hat- I've been fighting this war with southerners for years- a toboggan is a large sled... you go 'tobogganing' in the winter. Some people call those hats, 'beanies' but I don't really like the sound of that. So, we usually vary between "winter hat," "winter cap," and "hat."
Love the drawing, though.
Here in Portugal we call it a «gorro».
Hope you can said it...
we (from UK) call 'em "woolie hats" as they're usually made from wool.
Well, Suzanne, seems to me this is a bonnet en tricot. There you have it -- en Français!
Like the sketch a lot.
I have never heard it called a toboggan, though I have no quarrel with that. I HAVE heard it mischaracterized as a "stocking cap," which is ridiculous because every smart person knows a stocking cap is one of those really long hats with a pompom on the end of it.
But it's a nice sketch, and 'toboggan' works for me!
Suzanne, I grew up in the deep south of South Carolina among the po' people and never heard it called anything but a knit hat all my life.
So funny, ha, ha. In Spain it's a "gorro" (same as Portugal) and a "tobogán" is a slide (those of the amusement parks). But if you wonder, search "toboggan" in the Wikipedia and look at the bottom of the page.
I'm from Bristol England and we call them 'Beanies'
Funny girl! Actually, "Tobaggan" isn't too far off from what it's called up here in Canada: a toque. Never heard the word myself until I moved to Quebec, me being from the South myself.
Im with you. Its a tobaggan. 100%. I have called it that all my life. So has everyone else I know.
had to weigh in on this one, suzanne. i've always known this type of hat as a toboggan. i grew up in virginia and everyone called it a toboggan. i've also always referred to a saucer shaped "thing" you ride in the snow as a toboggan ... but this is different from a sled, which has runners. just my two cents!
and thanks for the comments on my blog about the tree sketch. it's simple, but i'm quite proud of it!
First, before I get too sidetracked with the hat discussion let me say this is a GREAT sketch. I love the way the guy just blends in and becomes part of the chair. I have to say - for us here in the Midwest a toboggan is a sled without runners. These hats are usually referred to as "skull caps" or (knit) "beanies". It's interesting to hear the different dialects. Here's another one for fun - are you a "coke", "pop", or "soda"?
Gotta go with the canadian, "toque"... I grew up in Northern NY, very close to the canadian border and this is what my father always called them. Although I'd never seen it in print before Paula's post. I would probably have spelled it "tooke" or something.
Gotta go with the Canadian "toque", I grew up in Northern New York, near the Canadian border and this is what my father always called these hats. Although, I'd never seen the word in print until Paula's post. I probably would have spelled it "tooke" or something.
a beanie?
Round here in the Channel Islands we call them "bonnet" (pronounced: bo-nay) and the more English people call them "beanies"!
Lovely drawing.
Funny that I grew up with that slang ... in Hawaii! Great sketch!
hey... that's me.
In the Czech Republic it's called "czepka" or "czepice"....just for the fun of it:)
DownUnder (Australia) we would call it a 'beanie'. I've always thought of toboggan as a type of sled. Interesting to see what it is called in other areas of the world.
I'm told that anybody can add a word and description to Wikipedia so I don't know how reliable a resource it really is.
WV born and raised call it a toboggan too. My husband told me that I would know him on our first (blind) date by the fact that he would be wearing a beanie. I thought he'd be wearing one of those hats with a propeller! I'm so glad to know that I was wrong and that others call it a toboggan!
Scottie is my boyfriend.. and I'm happy to say that i knit him that hat! I'm glad it got so much exposure.. even if it is in drawing form =]
I call it a hat btw.. maybe a beanie.. mostly a hat
I live in Ohio and have this argument a million times. So to solve it we went to Walmart and asked if the lady to show us where the toboggan's were located. She took us right to the "winter hats"
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