Monday, August 25, 2008


With this post I solemnly swear to never, ever, ever draw leopard print again. My hand is still cramped.


please sir said...

Oh my goodness...I didn't even realize it was a sketch at first - wonderful!

Anonymous said...

you *drew* this? incredible. you are amazing.

how wonderful.

Kathleen Rietz said...

Well, if it's any consolation, it was totally worth the effort on your part!

PS...happy marriage!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other posters. Absolutely incredible!

suzanne cabrera said...

Thanks so much for your comments. While I love drawing the lingerie, I have to admit it embarrasses me a little bit to post it :) *blush*

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Very cool. It actually makes me want to give leopard skin a go.

I know how you feel. I get quite embarassed too. Great stuff.

Christina Jonsson said...

Hi Suzanne
Great work and so fun. I too had to look carefully before I saw that it was a drawing. Not that photorealistic equals better but you managed to simplify it enough.
And I really love the drawings of your feet. It must be one of the hardest subjects to draw ( I´ve seen many great illustrations where the artist always seem to hide the feet behind bushes and other stuff) but you excel in it and you also seem to have a great sense of humour. Keep up the excellent posts.


Ooh la lovely!

Genine said...

holy crow!!! this is awesome. i thought is was a photo.

Karen Sandstrom said...

But it's cute - and it should get you work drawing for the J. Peterman catalogue.

Joan Y said...

Oh my goodness! This is unbelievably gorgeous Suzanne! I woulda sworn it was pic! Plus, it's a sweet drawing for a newlywed! :)

Stephen Gardner said...

I actually thought this was a photograph, I don't get caught out like that too often, Great job

dee said...

Holy S#!t! I had NO idea this was a sketch until the part about your hand hurting. It is unbelievable!

Anita Davies said...


Anonymous said...

So was this part of your wedding truseaux? (shoot, don't know how to spell that word, but I think it means wedding/honeymoon lingerie?). I was so excited to see your wedding pictures and loved browsing on Edgar's blog. He's also very artistically talented (and too cute!)

Kerstin Klein said...

beautiful. reminds me of the lingerie andrea joseps posted once

nadine said...

Wonderful drawing, full of detail. Your blog is a great place to be! I love all your talented, original entries. Thank you for sharing with us and inspiring me.