Tuesday, September 30, 2008

all quiet on the north carolina front

Do you wake up in a rush? I do...most everyday. Tons of things on my to-do list that I feel I have to check off right away or else. This morning was no exception. Out of bed, in the shower, to my sketchbook...

Wait? to my sketchbook?

This morning I felt as though I had to get something down in my sketchbook...I just had to. When it didn't come easily, I felt frustrated...aggravated...irritated. Why can't things be easier? Why isn't the creativity I had yesterday sticking around today?

But then, a switch flipped. I began to notice my environment. Sound asleep on the couch was Reilly; under my feet, Pokey; in the kitchen: a sink with no dishes; just around the corner: a good smelling candle, a cup of tea at my side and NPR playing quietly in the background.

These things, just like the happy leaf, are so little. But, the simple act of acknowledging them made me slow down, breathe a little deeper and feel just a little more at peace.

I may not open my sketchbook back up today and that is perfectly ok. There is always tomorrow or the next day...with a warm cup of tea, of course.


Anonymous said...

It's an ideal crystalization of a moment in time - everything so still, so perfect, so peaceful! We're all often too busy to notice such perfect moments, but I'm glad you did today.

BTW, can you come decorate my house for me? 8>

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Riley! He looks so peaceful -- you must have been channeling each other's inner calm... here is to many more wonderful moments...

Chris said...

It's a good way to look at things and to let the creative process flow (or not). Some days (and weeks even) I have trouble feeling creative, and then suddenly someone or something will light that spark in my imagination, and I'm off.

Looks like heaven to me first thing in the morning. I'm running around like a maniac in the dark, rushing to go to a place I hate. But at least my husband and I commute together, so that makes it worth it all :)

Rachel Esther said...

Isn't it crazy how we have to give ourselves permission to relax and be in a moment. I find I am able to create far better from a peaceful soul than a rushed one.

hope you find lots more peace today.

LyB said...

I'll have to try that! I never, well, almost never, stop to breathe and look around. I'm off to find a scented candle! :)

Lynne the Pencil said...

It's somehow reassuring to hear that even you have days of struggle: I was beginning to think you were superhuman, you are so prolific! ;-)

What a super-cute doggy...

Pippa said...


andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

OH MY GOD! How cute is she? Oh seriously. That is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.

Also, what a great idea to frame France's envelope art. I think I'll be pinching that idea. Actually I don't think I KNOW.

Jackson said...

what kind of dog do you have?

cactus petunia said...

Thanks for reminding us...
Love your blog and your work!

suzanne cabrera said...
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suzanne cabrera said...
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suzanne cabrera said...

Hi Theresa--
Thanks for the question. Reilly is a Jack Russel Terrier.

art on canvas said...

Awww your dog is so cute!