Monday, February 02, 2009

you say matera, i say panera*

Matera!  Panera!  Matera!  Panera!  Let's call the whole thing off.

Edgar is in Matera, Italy this week on a business trip for his new job. I, on the other hand, am in Greensboro.

So while he's seeing this:

I'm seeing this:
Doesn't seem quite fair does it? :) Nope, not at all...

*Sooo I had lunch at Chipotle, not Panera...but Chipotle doesn't rhyme with Matera nearly as good as Panera does. Forgive me.


Cindy said...

i am so envious of edgar and really, truly hope this wasn't you ;)!

suzanne cabrera said...

Haha...great link Cindy! Edgar nearly always manages to sweet talk the women serving rice for extra. He was probably the one that sparked the controversy in the first place.

please sir said...

Ohh that sounds like a good place to be...and chipotle too!

Screwed Up Texan said...

Personally, I'd go to Chipotle any day and any time. Guess I am just not sophisticated enough! :)

jax from the harmon squad said...

I can relate- the last week of summer studio rob and max were lounging at the beach while I was staring at the computer screen and running around like crazy trying to get everything done. Why is life not fair? (oh, and my security word verification is precis. how appropriate is that?)

Unknown said...

I thought you were too young to know that song.... Maybe you're just a connoisseur of some things old.
Love the sketch. Love the fact you're married to a world wide business man. Very, does one say... Chic, no?

Anonymous said...

Before we were transferred to Greensboro, D traveled for work quite a bit including a three week trip to Korea/Japan and another to Dubai. I was always a bit bummed by the un-glamourousness of my life but it was nice to have the occasional ice cream dinner. Wishing your dear one a quick and safe return!

Anonymous said...

Ah, lucky Edgar! Bet he misses you though. :)

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Ah yes...I know how you feel. My husband is always traveling to cool places...while I stay home. Where is the justice? :)

mARTa said...

you're right, it's not fair!

Jennifer Lawson said...

Lucky Edgar, but as usual, you have the great drawing. Your blog has been really wonderful this month. You really powered creatively through January. Not so much for me with the winter blahs.