I know I've said it
twice...or maybe even
three or
four times before, but
I love blind contours.

To me its like a present packaged in a drawing...I'm always surprised by the results. It's not about the nose or eyes being in the right place; sometimes they'll even overlap. It's about capturing the essence of something or someone. And it's that essence or spirit that I love in others work and hope to capture more completely within my own with each day and every stroke.
I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by blind contours ...? Do you draw without looking at what you're drawing, I mean your paper?
You've got it Cathy. I just found this link with a little more information : http://drawsketch.about.com/cs/drawinglessons/a/contourblind.htm
Basically the goal is to slow down, really, really look at your subjecct and focus on hand/eye coordination.
Give it a try!
Me too! I've been doing several blind contour paintngs (based on drawings) for a while.
Great fun.
Yesss! I love doing blind contours- and my art student hates me for it because sometimes I have her do it too. :)
Oh, it's a brilliant way of feeling a sketch rather than seeing...totally with you!
I had an amazing Art teacher introduce me to it when I did a Life drawing class about a year ago, and haven't done much of it since...but it's such a fantastic exercise.
Hooray for contour drawings -- they are liberating and humbling at the same time. I'm off to do one :-D
I find this technique so difficult! I know the point of it is to loosen up but I have to really fight looking at the page. =) Anyway you've done a great job. You're right they have amazing character!
one of these days i'll work up the nerve to do this!
Thanks for your answer. I tried to do one the other day... and was not impressed. I must try again!
Thanks for the link (I've just had a look)
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