Tuesday, March 03, 2009

keeping a neat nest

a neat nest
I can't explain it, but lately I've been experiencing a heightened sense of satisfaction from cleaning. From dishes to laundry to closets...I'm on it! Luckily for me (I guess) there are lots of areas around the house that need organizing...including the kitchen cabinets. In this instance, however, I decided to sketch of the mess first.

Scroll over the image here to see my notes on the mess.


Cindy said...

oh boy, wanna come over? our closets are kind of scary, things fall out on my head because i'm not 6' tall like scott ;).

Unknown said...

Dang...if that's a 'mess', I guess my house is a calamity. *sigh*

Hmmm... nesting is something I've experienced twice.

Screwed Up Texan said...

It seems like every time I clean and organize our pantries, the kids come along and trash it. I love to clean, but have decided that keeping everything organized the way I like will have to wait.

Anonymous said...

My closet is soooooo messy, I wouldn't dare to start sketching it, but I'd be so proud IF I ever tidied it, that I would most probably sketch the incredible result!!! There lies our difference.

A J FRENCH said...

i was just thinking of sketching the washing up I had to do - but I washed it up instead ... now that's good motivation to tidy and clean !:)

Anonymous said...

May I be put on the list of the folks who want to have you over to clean for them? Pleeeease? Or at least have you do a sketch of what a tidied kitchen for us would be like so I can have a blueprint? ;)

esque said...

Great sketch! I get these good intentions to clean up the entire place, but I am usually spent by the time I get the first room done! lol


andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

great great great.
gosh, have i been away that long?
loving your work asd much as ever, Suzanne.