We returned from our VERY fun trip late last night. I'll provide more details later, but in the meantime here's the "money shot"...or should I say "money sketch"... It was SO satisfying to see all my students sketching away (even if they HAD too) and I loved the way they framed my view of Fallingwater. Made this sketch more about the moment and a little less generic.
I'm still jealous that this trip was planned AFTER I graduated. The sketch is gorgeous and I agree, having your students in it makes it a memory. I'm dying to make it there someday!
Hi Suzanne, I have awarded you the Passion Of Painting Award for your blog of wonderful sketches and paintings. I have been following your blog and find it inspiring. Visit my blog and pick up your award.
Wow! I just stumbled upon your wonderful blog and even more inspiring sketches. Although I'm sixty-six and have only recently begun sketching again, I'm finding the Internet so very helpful. I will continue to follow your blog. As I said, it inspires me to sketch too. Thank you!
Yes, you could have simply drawn the House, but this is so much more interesting. Wish i had been right there with you guys. And i have the feeling i have said that many times on your blog!!!
i want to go! can't wait to hear more about your trip.
I'm still jealous that this trip was planned AFTER I graduated. The sketch is gorgeous and I agree, having your students in it makes it a memory. I'm dying to make it there someday!
Hi Suzanne, I have awarded you the Passion Of Painting Award for your blog of wonderful sketches and paintings. I have been following your blog and find it inspiring. Visit my blog and pick up your award.
they look so great - the sketch and the subject.
Great sketch!
Wonderful... love the 'students'.. and the house... great sketch... wish I could have been there.
I wish I'd remember to sketch when I go on trips (like the 2-week one we just got back from)...also can't wait to see and hear more about your trip!
Wow! I just stumbled upon your wonderful blog and even more inspiring sketches. Although I'm sixty-six and have only recently begun sketching again, I'm finding the Internet so very helpful. I will continue to follow your blog. As I said, it inspires me to sketch too. Thank you!
Yes, you could have simply drawn the House, but this is so much more interesting. Wish i had been right there with you guys.
And i have the feeling i have said that many times on your blog!!!
You all MUST GO. SOOOOO inspiring!
Wow, I definitely recognized this to be Falling Water. I feel happy that I am so art savy. And for you, that you sketched it so well.
Great view and love your sketch.
great sketch... oh! I would so much love to go to falingwater!!!!
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