Friday, June 12, 2009

harvest gold granny decor

So as it turns out, not only has this blog gone to the birds, but so has my house. I hadn't really thought about it, but as I looked around for things to draw this morning I found a strange feather connection.
flea market owl
1) A little owl Addie bought me at the Liberty Antiques Festival. Innocent enough, right? At first I planned to paint him, inspired by this post at Making it Lovely, but after some thought, I'm going to leave him in all his avocado and harvest gold glory.
yard sale swan
2) I purchased this swan planter at a neighbor's yard sale this past weekend for 50 cents. I'm concerned she's a little granny-ish, especially because the ivy I planted in her 'back' looks fake. Maybe another kind of plant would help her be more youthful...


Gerald de Dios said...

love that owl!!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute owl...even in avocado green and gold. I don't know if there's any hope for the swan; yours might be better, but my in-laws had one very similar to yours that was utt-bugly as heck, and even putting jewels in it wouldn't have helped it.

Anonymous said...

Wow imagine my surprise when i read the post and there sat a swan with ivy in it exactly like my mom had for over 40 years. Took my breath away. the swan always sat on top of whatever tv we had at the time.

laura said...

love the avocado owl!

Kelley Bozarth said...

I love the owl! Painting it would be really cute, but I think leaving him for a while might be nice, too :) And Making it Lovely is probably my favorite blog!

Hudson Goods said...

love the bird on your porch! and your sketches are fantastic.

patrick lee lucas said...

birds of a feather...

i know, that was a CHEEP shot.
i'd better TAIL out right now....
or take FLIGHT.