Monday, August 06, 2007

a clue

As I was sketching this church over my lunch break, I thought about Louie, my 10 year-old son. I wondered if many years from now my son would ever go through my sketchbook to find out or get to know more about his dad. Would he scrutinize this sketch and be able to decipher at what time and where I was sitting while I drew this? Would he ever visit this peaceful place in which I enjoyed so many lunch-breaks and thought of him?


martinealison said...

Je pense et je suis persuadée que votre fils sera toujours fier de découvrir de par vos merveilleux dessins une partie de vous. Vous lui offrez beaucoup... et il peut en tirer un contentement.
Gros bisous à vous et merci pour vos gentils commentaires laissés sur mon blog.

no way said...

I love this post-very touching, Edgar. Your kids will never know how important they are to you until they have kids of their own. It's just not really possible to imagine until that point.

Louie is a lucky kid to have those sketchbooks to look at one day.