Thursday, February 01, 2007

out of the routine for now

As predicted, today is a much better day. To begin with, I woke up this morning to find out school was cancelled! This, along with snow, are the keys to a great day!!!! So, I was able to go back to bed (wet hair and all...too bad I hadn't checked on the status of school before my shower) and catch up on my zzzzzzz's! Very important.

Last night, despite being in a funk, I worked on a little strip of my morning routine, which was not the routine today. Hope you enjoy and thank you for riding the rollercoaster of my creative emotions!


Nancy Van Blaricom said...

I'm on my way to yoga this morning, and have to say I love your "downward facing dog"... Hope I can do as well.

Teri said...

I love this grid!!! So so neat and clever. Great way to get you out of your funk!

heather lorin said...

Your visual diaries are great! I'm going to have to try that.

Karen Sandstrom said...

LOOOOOOVE this. It's excellent. I especially like the little hair-drying sketch for some reason.

Alison said...

I haven't visited your blog before - it's a lot of fun - thanks for sharing.

Whitney G said...

I draw people in my college classes too! Check my blog out. You can see the sketches in the sketches link.

dex mission said...

this is a great theme. i might have to borrow it. i like how you broke the panels in some. its a great way to change pace.

as far as my sketchbook. i draw in it when i have 1: time and 2: when i dont want to think.

i guess the biggest crit about my books is that i dont have a unified theme or a singular, strong thought. but its not really about that. i dont think of it as a design or an illustration. i think of it as a personal visual diary. its my way to unwind and just not worry. did that rhyme? i didnt mean for it to.

this page was done all at once. about 2-3 hrs. all in the bookstores coffee shop.

mrana said...

it's a delightful grid. I like the way you've captured the essence of your morning with just a few quick sketches and a large dose of humour!

littlemithi said...

UUuu I love this! I hope you don't mind - I'm going to steal the idea. I've been thinking about narratives lately, but have very poor story-telling (or more like story-making-up) skills ... But I can definitely do my daily routine!

Unknown said...

LOve the design quality in this page of drawing!! Lovely work!

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Gosh this is brilliant - wish I'd thought of it! I love this.

Anonymous said...

Do you draw straight with the pen, Suzanne?
I love this series of morning moments -- they are well arranged, fun, clear, clever!! Grand!

Anonymous said...

I love this one. It's so cute! But I have to ask... what are the square things on your toast? : )

suzanne cabrera said...

Hi Julie- The squares you are referring to are actually bits of butter...I don't know why (perhaps because my mom did) but I always arrange my butter in this fashion.

Anonymous said...

I love that! It was great for a chuckle and immensely creative. (Oh, and I reminder that I've been skipping my mornign routine lately too...)