Monday, February 05, 2007

EDM Challenge: Something I'm Afraid Of

As shallow as it is, it's the truth.


andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

How funny I was thinking about doing this very challenge today - VERY different subject matter though! This is excellent. And you are braver than me - because I don't think I've ever worn one of these since I was a child. It's not something I'd like to inflict on the world!! Great sketch, lots of fun.

heather lorin said...

So much energy in this drawing!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! I never would have thought of this as a big time fear, but now that you've brought it up... there are few things that are worse. ; )

Lindsay said...

me too! Great sketch and I love the composition

Anonymous said...

oh, i love this! i gave up swimming suits when i was about 18 ... then i had kids who like to swim like fish! i just tell myself i might not look good, but other people look worse. awful, but comforting somehow.