Wednesday, February 07, 2007

whoopee...time for cookies

Oh.... I just opened my scanner so I could post today's drawing and laying on the glass was this card from Edgar! He knows my routine so well and loves to hide things along my route. The reason I "deserve a cookie" is because as of yesterday, I am officially finished with my thesis and my master's degree. Have I mentioned how much I love cookies?


Karen Sandstrom said...

Gosh. It seems like finishing your thesis and your degree should get you more than one cookie. Three or four at least ... Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's one heck of an accomplishment!!!! : )

Anonymous said...

Hey! Gratulations! You deserve more than a cookie. At least five! ;)

heather lorin said...

Congrats Suzanne!

Felicity Grace said...

Suzanne, hope you'll find time with your cookie to do a tag - check my blog!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!! Yeah, have a cookie. Or ten. :-)

Anonymous said...

And oh, did you see? We've been tagged by Felicity!!

RachelRenae said...

So cute! Edgar is a sweetie.

suzanne cabrera said...

Wow, if it were up to you all I'd be eating a whole bag of cookies...hmm, maybe that's not such a bad idea!

Jana Bouc said...

I'm so thrilled for you. Congratulations on your wonderful accomplishment!