Sunday, February 04, 2007

the little clown

I spent yesterday afternoon at a great antique store not far from my house. It is filled with tons of things to buy (and draw.) While I was on the lookout for some interesting containers for my art supplies, I couldn't help but stop and sketch this little clown. For some reason she just made me happy.


Anonymous said...

You sketched it on the spot? My, i love how you've been using color -- on this one and also on Pokey-as-Punxsutawney Phil!!!

Felicity Grace said...

I'm amazed, you just sketched right there?! Love the looseness and the way you've used colour here.

mrana said...

Love the colour and the lines, so loose and expressive. Beautiful.

Rachel Murphree said...

I used to have a clown JUST like this as a kid...perhaps it's in my old doll box that I have was one of my favorites. love your drawing of him.

suzanne cabrera said...

Oh Rachel-
So glad this brought back memories for you!