Wednesday, February 07, 2007

sitting ducks

Another image from class. This time the students were focused on drawing a chair, while I was in the front of the classroom drawing them. I like how all the girls had their legs crossed in the same way.


phillip said...

awesome!!! i honestly wish you were around teaching when i had that drawing class. things would have been a lot more interesting.

Anonymous said...

This is SO GOOD! How much fun it must have been to do.
Suzanne, i am flying to France tonight and will post more when i come back in a few days (do not have a scanner in France!).

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Amazing amazing amazing - I'll say it again AMAZING!

"Maggie & Kevin" said...

This is such a great sketch, I love all the legs and your proportions are so well drawn.

Jana Bouc said...

I love the legs crossed too! Another wonderful drawing.