Monday, January 25, 2010

my morning vice

I've actually done a decent job ignoring the Nutella. This, however, remains a problem.
i will begin my days
Please tell me I'm not alone...


Thatsjustitphoto said...

not alone. not at all.

jax from the harmon squad said...

When I was pregnant with Max I ate a bacon egg and cheese biscuit EVERY SINGLE morning. It was the only thing I wouldn't throw up. This time around I've been a little better about eating more healthy, but I still give in every now and then.

suzanne cabrera said...

Thanks Tim.

Jax---that sounds like my kind of pregnancy.

Lrc said...

You are so not alone...i have to stop myself ALL the time when going past nutella at the supermarket. I still haven't made exercising part of my routine but I swear this is the week i will!

aimee said...

i must be rob, jax & max's twin. when i was pregnant with my second daughter i went to mcdonalds EVERY MORNING for an egg & cheese bagel sandwich. and every day, i would say, "i cannot believe i am doing this." i also cannot believe i just admitted that in public.

i'm pulling for you! the jog! go!

Karen Sandstrom said...

Two words: Peanut butter.

E.R. said...

Start the day with beauty, not with a bagel (although, it is a thing of beauty in some peoples eyes)

Michelle said...

Funny, when I go to bed, I've been eating all evening, and feel awful..."I'm not going to eat like this tomorrow"...I feel normal in the morning, until I start filling my face with junk, then I feel like crap. Uggg. Why does good food taste so bad and vice versa? LOL...yes, I have nutella in my'll be breakfast.


suzanne cabrera said...

Peanut butter, bagels and Nutella...oh my!

Kirstin said...

You're not alone. My entire office (7 of us) are all there with you. It's more fun with a support group :-)

Melle Blue said...


I'm on diet and I inaugurate my "indoor bike" (indoor rower ?) tonight !

AH AH I read your blog since months and my first comment is about sport and diet.

Keep the good work !

Aris said...

I'll eat your biscut(:

Krista said...

Ummm... my not-so-secret vice is Mt. Dew and Fritos for breakfast. For 20 years. My 20 year old body could handle it... my 40 year old body, not so much. I applaud you for trading jogging for a biscuit. I'll cheer you on while drinking my Mt. Dew.

suzanne cabrera said...

Yay...thanks for your support!

prashant said...

I still give in every now and then.

Work from home India

Anonymous said...

Just to make you laugh .... my eyesight not being of the best, I misread the lettering and it was not until I had read some of the comments that I realised I had missed the point!
I had substituted an 's' for the 'j' ....!!!!!!!

suzanne cabrera said...

Cute...I don't guess a 'sog' would be bad either :)

kristi said...

LOVE it! Although, I think I'll keep my biscuit and just add the jog!
