oh my goodness1 I was just thinking the other day how nice and personal it wold be to draw my hands and post it, a different kind of portrait. Hands tell so much about a person, we could go around and draw people's hands...what would they tell us about a person's life? By the way love the quote you placed on your sidebar, one of my favorites. I think I will sprinkle quotes on my blog too! have a great Tuesday...my favorite day of the week! miti
I agree, hands are very personal and tell you things about a person that the face can hide. I also like the layering of the fingers and the sense of movement. I've been sculpting small hands and its been satisfying...lovely work!
Wow...hands are so difficult to draw...and here you are doing them so perfectly!! I feel the movement. I hope you have had a reason to put away the worry dolls:)
oh my goodness1 I was just thinking the other day how nice and personal it wold be to draw my hands and post it, a different kind of portrait. Hands tell so much about a person, we could go around and draw people's hands...what would they tell us about a person's life? By the way love the quote you placed on your sidebar, one of my favorites. I think I will sprinkle quotes on my blog too! have a great Tuesday...my favorite day of the week!
ooohhh! nice waffle! i would recognize those hands anywhere!
I agree, hands are very personal and tell you things about a person that the face can hide. I also like the layering of the fingers and the sense of movement. I've been sculpting small hands and its been satisfying...lovely work!
I love the movements of the lines and the different tones.
Wow...hands are so difficult to draw...and here you are doing them so perfectly!! I feel the movement. I hope you have had a reason to put away the worry dolls:)
This picture totally confuses me!(in a good way) Which hand is over which?
Interesting work. And it shows me again, that everything can inspire us, even the most mundane things. I still have a lot to learn. Thanks.
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