Monday, February 08, 2010


This weekend was one of the laziest of my life. I loved it.
super lazy super bowl sunday


Edgar Cabrera said...

I am so glad that you are recording our days in such a beautiful way!

Anonymous said...

You call that lazy?! Fun, yes, lazy, no. =)

I need to document my days in sketches like you do!

Kelley said...

That sounds like such a lovely day. I like the way you illustrate your days, I'm kind of inspire to do the same. :)

Unknown said...

So not lazy! Beautiful! That sounds like a wonderful day.

Krista Meister said...

what a super-fun journal page! Sounds like a great day you had.

suzanne cabrera said...

Thank you all for your comments. I was a little bashful about posting this at first---feeling as though my day wasn't all that spectacular. But the truth is that these are the days I love the most!

San said...

You did a lot more than I did on this sunday, and you call it lazy?

Love that you document this way.

Did you plan this Sketch out or did you just start drawing?

suzanne cabrera said...

Good question San! I knew the general shape that I was going for (long and narrow) from the start, but the images developed throughout the day as I completed the activities.

Shalini said...

'Lazy'!!?? This seems anything but lazy!! Lovely way of capturing your day. I tried to record 10 days inspired by your style... Didn't really come out well, but I love to glance at that one page and re-live those 10 days.. Thanks for the inspiration :)